Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I check in for a Comp day?
Check in emails are sent on the Sunday prior to comp day (excluding round 1). There will be a link to check in. We expect that you will turn up if you check in. This streamlines the day for the whole club. The check in closes 5pm the Saturday before the comp. There is also a check out option, please use this if you are unable to make it and have already checked in.
How do waves get scored?
Judging Criteria
A competitor must perform radical controlled maneuvers in the critical sections of a wave with:
Judges will reward:
Innovation and technical riding
Variety of maneuvers (repertoire)
Single major moves
Multiple-element aerial maneuvers with a high degree of difficulty (if completed cleanly)
Scoring Process
Each wave is judged on a scale of 0 to 10.
Each competitor's two best waves count towards their total heat score.
Priority and Interference
The competitor closest to the peak has the right of way.
If two competitors take off on opposite peaks and their paths don’t cross, both can score.
If their paths cross, the first to make a maneuver has priority.
If a competitor is penalized for interference:
First offense → Their second-best wave score is halved.
Second offense → Their best wave score is also halved.
Third offense → Disqualification from the heat.
Other Important Rules
If a competitor rides a wave before the heat starts or after it ends, they receive a 0.00 for that wave.
Where are the comps run?
NCCB has 4 available locations.
The Lakes/Budgewoi Beach stretch
Soldiers Beach
North Entrance Beach
North Shelly Beach
We will endeavor to announce the location of the competition the night before competition if conditions permit, unfortunately sometimes conditions do not allow this. This means we would announce the location via social media by 6am we aim to have the first heat in the water by 7am.
What do I do between heats?
If you are waiting for your next heat or for your first heat, feel free to step into the judges tent, have a listen to the what the judges are saying and how they are scoring. Have a go at judging yourself.
What if I don’t feel comfortable in the conditions?
If you aren’t feeling up to the conditions on the day, it’s important to push your level BUT don’t go over your limit!
Can anyone judge?
We are honoured to have some of the best members of any bodyboard club, one of the best parts of our members is that they love to chip in and help, putting your hand up to judge is one of the best things you can do to help out.